Domain deletion and auto renewal Policy
1. At the conclusion of the registration period, failure by or on behalf of the Registered Name Holder to consent that the registration be renewed within the time specified in a second notice or reminder shall, in the absence of extenuating circumstances, result in cancellation of the registration by the end of the auto-renew grace period.
1.1 Extenuating circumstances are defined as: UDRP action, valid court order, failure of Ourdomains’ renewal process (which does not include failure of a registrant to respond), the domain name is used by a nameserver that provides DNS service to third-parties (additional time may be required to migrate the records managed by the nameserver), the registrant is subject to bankruptcy proceedings, payment dispute (where a registrant claims to have paid for a renewal, or a discrepancy in the amount paid), billing dispute (where a registrant disputes the amount on a bill), domain name subject to litigation in a court of competent jurisdiction, or other circumstance as approved specifically by ICANN.
1.2 Where Ourdomains choose, under extenuating circumstances, to renew a domain name without the explicit consent of the registrant, Ourdomains will maintain a record of the extenuating circumstances associated with renewing that specific domain name for inspection by ICANN
1.3 In the absence of extenuating circumstances (as defined in Section 1.1 above), a domain name will be deleted within 45 days of either Ourdomains or the registrant terminating a registration agreement.
1.4 Ourdomains will sent renewal reminder notice to each registrant. These notices will be sent on 30 days, 10 days , 5 days prior to expiration, and within 5 days after the expiration of the registration. If Ourdomains make any material changes to our deletion policy during the period of the registration agreement, Ourdomains will inform the registrant of the changes as well as other material changes to the registration agreement.
1.5 Ourdomains will public the details of our deletion and auto-renewal policies on our website.
1.6 Ourdomains will state on our website of registration fee, renewal fee, transfer fee and any fee charged for the recovery of a domain name during the Redemption Grace Period.
1.7 In the event that a domain which is the subject of a UDRP dispute is deleted or expires during the course of the dispute, the complainant in the UDRP dispute will have the option to renew or restore the name under the same commercial terms as the registrant. If the complainant renews or restores the name, the name will be placed in Registrar HOLD and Registrar LOCK status, the WHOIS contact information for the registrant will be removed, and the WHOIS entry will indicate that the name is subject to dispute. If the complaint is terminated, or the UDRP dispute finds against the complainant, the name will be deleted within 45 days. The registrant retains the right under the existing redemption grace period provisions to recover the name at any time during the Redemption Grace Period, and retains the right to renew the name before it is deleted.
1.8 When you register a domain name successfully, automatic renewal is the default disabled which you must activate if you want your domain name(s) to be automatically renew. Unless you disable the automatic renewal option, Ourdomains will automatically renew, renewal will occur on the expiration of registration, any domain name that is up for renewal and will take payment from the Payment Method you have on file with Ourdomains. Domain name renewals will be non-refundable. When auto-renew period approachs a end, If for any reason Ourdomains is not able to take the payment from the Payment Method you have on file, and you fail to respond to our notices, your domain name registration will delete. Thus, It is your responsibility to keep your Payment Method information current, which includes the expiration date if you are using a credit card. If you do not elect that the domain name be automatically renewed, You have the responsibility of logging into the Domain Management Center of your Account for that domain name and manually implementing the renewal by the expiration date (should you in fact want the domain name to be renewed). If you fail to manually implement the renewal before auto-renew period ends, the domain name will be deleted and You will no longer have use of that name. You agree that Ourdomains will not be responsible for deleted domain names that you fail to renew, either automatically or manually in the timeframes indicated in this Agreement.